Friday, November 5, 2010

For Colored Girls - SPOILERS

There are many spoilers to this movie, but I will only mention the big ones below: 
  • Whoopie Goldberg plays a religious fanatic (like the mother in the movie Carrie) mother of 2, Tangie, the oldest trampy daughter, and her supposedly clean baby teen sister.  Tangie works in a bar and sleeps with practically any man that comes her way.  The baby sister is a ballerina on her way to going to college.  Whoopie adores the younger daughter, and thinks her eldest is the devil.  But we come to find out that the teen daughter is pregnant, but cannot admit it to anyone.  She ends up going to a drugged up woman for an abortion -- a place we later found out Whoopie had taken her eldest daughter earlier in time.  We don't see the abortion take place, but the girl ends up in the hospital.  Whoopie is so outraged she puts her daughter through an exorcism performed by herself. 
  •  Kerry Washington plays, Kelly, the Ballet teacher of the young girl.  Her story is she is date raped in her own home while trying to prepare dinner for man she thought to be a gentleman.  The had gone on a date prior, and this time she wanted to return the favor with a home cooked meal.  We actually see the rape take place.  Later in the movie her rapist is found dead.  He was stabbed to death by another woman he raped.
  • Kimberly Elise plays, Crystal, a mother of 2 young children, a boy and a girl.  She is visited by a social worker because abuse is taking place in her apartment.  The father of the children live with her, and he's an unemployed drunk back from the war.   He is very abusive to her and the kids.  There is a horrific scene where he drops his 2 children out the window in a jealous rage which kills them.
  • Janet Jackson plays, Jo, a coldhearted successful business woman, who is having marital problems.  It turns out her husband is gay and is sleeping around with other men.  We discover toward the end of the movie that she contracted Aides from him.  Jo is the boss of Crystal, and later mellows out in the movie after seeing Crystal's children fall to their death.  
  • In the end, Tangie throws a party for her baby sister getting into college, and all the main woman attend and comfort each other.  We see them all in the end hugging, as if they are all close friends now threw all their hardships. 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for info, but Kerry Washington was not the ballet teacher. She was the social worker and wife of the detective (Hill Harper).
