Saturday, November 6, 2010

Unstoppable - SPOILERS

  • Chris Pine struts in as the new conductor in the beginning of the movie and right off he is disliked because he is a relative of some higher-ups in the organization.  The older veterans feel threatened that the young people coming in will replace them. Chris Pine is also having to deal with issues with his wife who has put a restraining order out on him, and he can't see his son -- but that's just a side story that doesn't have much place in this movie.
  • A train operator realizes he has made a mistake on a track switch and leaves the moving train he is engineering to fix the track thinking he will be able to hop back in the train and carry on.  The problem is, the train picks up speed and he is unable to catch the train to get back in it, so now we have a coaster, or what they call a runaway train.  It's even worst than coasting because its actually set to drive fast.  This is the train carrying explosive chemicals.  It ends up reaching speeds of over 70 miles per hour.
  • The runaway train his heading in a direction of another train that is carrying school kids, and we have a scene where to two trains just barely avoid collision as the school train is able to switch to a side track.  
  • A plan was put in place to slow the train down by having a train go in front of it to try and slow it down.  The plan was unsuccessful and the engineer of the train trying to help was killed as his train derailed.
  • Denzel's train at this point is heading toward the runaway train in a head-on course.  He has to reach a certain destination to switch off to the side before they cross paths, and he just barely does it.
  • Now another plan is put into place to derail the runaway drain before it reaches a town that has a sharp curve in which the train would derail and devastate a town.  Denzel doesn't believe the plan will work, so he decides to drive his train in reverse to catch up to the runaway train, hook up to it, and try to slow it down by braking his train.  The plan isn't entirely successful, so Denzel has to go out on the trains to brake each freight car in hopes of slowing the train down.  The plan works enough to keep the train from derailing, but they still need the train to stop.  A truck has to pull along side of the train and Pine jumps in, and the truck races to the front of the runaway train where Pine jumps to the controls section of the train, and is finally able to stop the train.
  • The train stops, and they are all heroes, except for the owners of the trains who wanted to go against Denzel's plan and derail the train. It's still a happy ending, and Pine is greeted by his wife and son, and they all embrace.

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