Friday, January 6, 2012

Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows

While at a multi-country peace summit at a castle in the Swiss Alps, Sim and Watson end up foiling Professor Moriarty's plans to instigate a World War by stopping the assassin (Sim's brother with a face transplant from the face of one of the European diplomats. With the help of a book Sherlock stole from Moriarty detailing his schemes, Mycroft and Mary end up divesting Moriarty of most of his wealth in London. Holmes and Moriarty both visualize how a fight betweene them would ensue, with both concluding that Moriarty would prevail. Accordingly, Sherlock grabs Moriarty and both of them tumble over a balcony and plummet hundreds of feet to their death below while Watson helplessly watches. A few months later, Watson finishes his biography about Holmes, and as he writes THE END, he receives a package containing Holmes' oxygen pump, suggesting that Holmes is still alive. As Watson runs out of the room to investigate who delivered the package, we find Holmes was camoflauged in the writing room the whole time. Holmes goes over to the typewriter, reads the last page of the manuscript, and types a question mark after the words "THE END."

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