Sunday, January 15, 2012


Brandon Sullivan (Michael Fassbender) is an account manager at a big firm, and a sex addict.  He attempts to seduce a married woman that he sees on a subway, pays for prostitutes, constantly watches porn online at home and work, and has sex with women in alleys. He comes home one day to find his sister Sissy (Carey Mulligan) has moved in. It becomes apparent that the two have an unhealthy relationship. She is emotionally needy and constantly telling every man she meets that she loves them. Brandon is clearly uncomfortable with his sister, and becomes more stressed out when she not only sleeps with his married boss, but constantly calls his boss afterwards. She also climbs into his bed at night, asking to be hugged, and hangs out with him in many forms of undress. Sissy is a very talented singer, who makes Brandon cry with her voice, although he will never praise her talent.

Many things soon begin to unravel for Brandon. His advances on women become less smooth and more desperate. Although his employer discovers that his hard drive at work is full of porn, it is blamed on a virus or gag. He goes on several dates with a co-worker named Marianne (Nicole Beharie), but when they begin to get sexual, Brandon is unable to perform. In a fit of self-loathing rage, he kicks her out of his hotel room and hires a prostitute to engage in rough sex with him.  Brandon also becomes embarrassed when Sissy finds his pornographic materials. Brandon throws away his stash of pornography as well as his personal computer.

Brandon eventually relapses. He fights with Sissy after he physically assaults her and Sissy states that if she left him alone, she would never hear from him ever again.  After the incident, Brandon goes out into the night, ignoring Sissy's phone calls and pleas to reaffirm that she is not a bad person. He knowingly attempts to pick-up a girl in a bar in front of her boyfriend using lurid statements, resulting in him getting beaten up badly.  He is rejected from entering a night club, so he instead enters a gay hook-up bar where he makes out with and receives fellatio from an unidentified man. He then goes to a stranger's apartment where he engages in a torrid threesome with two female strangers he meets there. Clearly, Brandon has fallen off track again.  As he makes his way home in a hungover state, he realizes that Sissy is not answering his calls. When he gets to his home, he finds Sissy has slit her wrists and is unconscious.

Brandon is mortified and calls an ambulance for help. He feels sorry and stays by her bedside until she recovers. It appears that Brandon is actually trying to change his ways and bring his addiction under control despite his failures before.  The movie ends with Brandon on the subway where he sees the married woman he attempted to seduce at the beginning. She recognizes Brandon and purposefully flirts with him, and the movie ends without us knowing whether Brandon will maintain his new ways, or succumb back to his destructive nature.

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