Friday, September 9, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

We begin in the jungle where a group of Apes are walking through, and suddenly, hunters with machetes charge out and capture some of the apes in nets and boxed to be taken away.

Meanwhile at a pharmaceutical company, a doctor Will Rodman (James Franco) is testing a drug on an ape to see if it can past a test. The ape passes it within a week after taking the drug.  He tells his boss Steven Jacobs (David Oyelowo) that the drug is working, and that it could potentially cure Alzheimer's.  Jacobs is excited and says he will set a meeting up with the board, but Will have to convince them for more funding.

The next day in the lab, a technician Robert Franklin (Tyler Labine) is trying to get the ape to come out of her cage but she is extremely hostile. She finally breaks out and causes massive havoc to the lab.

Meanwhile, in a board room, Will is giving his presentation about ALZ 112, saying it can not only potentially cure Alzheimer's, but also many other diseases. Suddenly, the crazed ape crashes through the board room. A security guard aims at her, and despite Will's pleas, opens fire and kills her.

Will pleads to Jacobs telling him they should not scrap 5 years of work. Jacobs says he will need to start over as the board will not let them proceed after that incident happened and Will should be glad he wasn't fired.

Will goes back to the lab where he sees a baby chimp, and realizes the ape went crazy out of maternal instinct because she believed they were going to hurt her child.  Will takes the baby chimp home,  and we see Will's father, Charles (John Lithgow) has Alzheimer's.  Will shows Charles the baby ape, which he starts calling Caesar.  We soon see that Caesar is very bright and we can conclude that his mother passed the affects of ALZ 112 to her son.


Caesar is much bigger now, and has learn a lot.  He can sign and understand Will well.  Will has come to consider Caesar as part of the family. Will still continues to work at home on the drug and study its effects on Caesar in the hopes of still getting a human clinical trial.

One day, Will comes home to find his father having a major episode and cutting his hand, so makes a decision, and steals some ALZ 112 from the lab and gives it to his father in his sleep. He wakes up to hear his father playing the piano perfectly. Will is happy, and Charles realizes he is cured and can't believe he has his mind back.

As Caesar grows, Will needs a place for Caesar to roam.  They take him to the Red Woods past the Golden Gate bridge. Will takes off a leash off of Caesar so he wouldn't run off and gives him permission to run free and climb the trees. Caesar does, very happy.


Will discovers that his father is regressing. His body is creating antibodies that is attacking ALZ 112 drug and not allowing to treat him. Charles is getting much worse and at its progression he will die soon. Will is worried about what to do now.

One day Charles completely forgets himself and goes outside and has an incident with his neighbors car, causing some damage.  The neighbor comes out and starts screaming at Charles. Charles tries to explain but his neighbor continues to scream and berate Charles, basically being a real jerk. He pokes Charles in the chest and calls the police, and Caesar sees this. Caesar rushes to protect Charles and beats the man up and bites off one of his fingers.

Caesar is taken by animal control and Will finds out and follows them to the shelter.  Will tells Caesar he will have to stay there for awhile and he promises he will get him out of there as soon as he can. Caesar soon realizes the true character of Dodge Landon (Tom Felton), the son of the owner who works there. Dodge is mean and cruel and considers the apes stupid.

Will speaks to Jacobs and tells him that he tested ALZ 112 on his father and it worked though it had started to be rejected by his body and he is creating a new strain. Jacobs is very pleased telling Will he will give him whatever he wants to make the new version of the drug work.

Caesar spends more time in the sanctuary where he is abused by Dodge but and by the fellow apes who don't like him. Caesar is sad and thinks of home and starts to believe Will less and less about securing his freedom.
Caesar begins to study things about the compound and where he could potentially have an escape.. One night when Dodge and a pal come by with some girls, Caesar causes a scene and steals a knife. This allows him to pick the locks on the doors. He then begins to build trust with the other apes.  Will is at home one night with his father, wondering whether to give him ALZ 113 or not. His father shakes his head no.  The next morning, Will finds that his father passed away peacefully in his sleep.

Will bribes the owner of the shelter to release Caesar. Caesar is initially receptive but when he sees Will with a lease, he feels like just a pet, a slave by Will. He also will not leave without his brother apes. Caesar shuts the door and stays.

Late that night, Caesar breaks out of his cell and out of the building and goes to Will's house and finds the fridge with canisters of ALZ 113. He takes them back to the habitat and releases them while the other chimps sleep. The next morning, Caesar knows they are all been affected. He begins his plan to lead a break out.

After, Dodge sees Caesar out of his cage gets ready to attack Caesar with a stun gun. He gets in a few shots before being overpowered by Caesar. Dodge struggles and says "Get your stinkin' paws off me you damn dirty ape!" to which Caesar screams "NO!" This shocks Dodge and all the other apes. Dodge is knocked out and locked into a cell and Caesar releases all the other apes. Caesar grabs a water hose. As Dodge sparks the stun gun, Caesar shoots him with water, electrocuting him. The apes now ready, break out of the sanctuary and head for Gen Sys, where several of their brethren had been taken.

Caesar and the apes make it to Gen Sys and trash the place as the people run.  They get into the lab and break out the apes there, including Koba.

Jacobs comes into work and gets a call from a co-worker telling him Franklin (another co worker) was infected with ALZ 113 and died. The drug affects humans in a way it doesn't with apes. Will was right; the drug wasn't ready for human use. Jacobs sees the building in ruin then looks up to see countless apes. They jump down and he runs out of the building scared.

Caesar and the apes tear through the streets causing massive damage to anyone who tries to stop them. They head for the Golden Gate bridge.

Will realizes Caesar is heading for the Red Woods, the only place he felt truly free.

A large traffic jam is on the bridge so the people are more or less boxed in when the apes start running through. The people run in a panic.

The police are evacuating the bridge as Will arrives. Will is going to find Caesar. The police charge on horses and batons and the apes knock them off. However, Caesar still orders no heavy violence and outside a case or two of direct necessity allows the men to leave bruised but alive and allows the police to pull back.

Jacobs and the police chopper head to the bridge and start to fire on the apes. Caesar directs his troops to go underneath the bridge where they cannot be seen. Meannwhile the other half of his apes break up the rest of the police blockade, and they flee. Will catches up to Caesar and calls out to him. Caesar acknowledges him, just as Jacob's helicopter comes up with a M60 and starts slaughtering the apes and nearly killing Will in the process.

Buck, a large gorilla, jumps off the bridge in direct fire, in order to hit the helicopter and cause it to crash. It does, killing the police officers. Buck is mortally wounded and is held by Caesar as he dies. Caesar looks enraged as he surveys the chopper wreckage and sees Jacobs survived and is clinging on for dear life. Jacobs pleads for help and Caesar turns away from him. Koba pushes on the chopper wreckage, causing it to fall. Jacobs screams as the chopper plunges into the ocean, presumably killing him. The apes continue on to their destination, the Red Woods.

Will steals an abandoned cop car and heads there. He calls for Caesar only to be attacked by Koba. Caesar stops Koba however from hurting Will, for he is his friend. Will tells him he has to stop; this was not the way to do this and he can protect Caesar. He just has to come home. Caesar looks at him sadly and pulls him into a hug. "Caesar is HOME." Caesar says. The shocked Will nods, understanding he has to let him go. Will tells him that it is OK, and the apes take the trees finally free.

The End...

Not quite. After a moment a final scene occurs. Will's neighbor, the pilot, gets picked up in the taxi. At the airport on the way to pilot a flight, he sneezes. The floor shows drops of blood. He is concerned, but ultimately shakes it off. The pilot has been infected with ALZ 113 by Franklin and given he interacts with countless people at any given time, the implication is that the man will infect untold numbers of people, who will infect others. This shall cause the drastic decline of the human population via this global epidemic, and thus begin the true rise of the apes.

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